THEATER REVIEW;Enter Singing: Young, Hopeful And Taking On The Big Time

Published: April 30, 1996
Two months, one Pulitzer Prize and acres of magazine and newspaper pages later, the waiflike hopes of the American musical are living in fancier digs. Uprooted by a cyclone of critical ecstasy and a hunger for theatrical novelty, they have posed for fashion layouts, inspired a Bloomingdale's ad campaign and will record their songs about life on the edge for David Geffen's Dreamworks label. They even have a producer who is comparing their spirit to that of -- oh, dear -- the movie "Forrest Gump."

"Rent," Jonathan Larson's luminous, youthful musical that started off at the tiny New York Theater Workshop on East Fourth Street in February, opened on Broadway last night at the Nederlander Theater, after previews that drew such paparazzis' dreams as Billy Joel, David Bowie and Ralph Fiennes. And, no, Toto, I don't think we're in the East Village anymore.

Everyone can breathe one quick sigh of relief, however, before lamenting the way of all flash. Anyone who loved "Rent" in its first incarnation is not going to feel like the victim of a Champagne hangover who wakes up next to a creepy stranger.

The vibrant 15 cast members are actually even better, as if they had found fresh reserves of energy in the glow of mainstream starlight. And the ingenuity and dexterity of Mr. Larson's rock-pop score, translated with loving skill by Tim Weill's onstage band, are, in fact, more evident now.

Indeed, great care has obviously been taken to keep this charming, poignant rock opera much as it looked when it was seen by Mr. Larson, who died of an aortic aneurysm at the age of 35 on the night of its last dress rehearsal downtown. And therein lies the one, conspicuous problem of the transplanted "Rent." The show remains a sentimental triumph, and it will doubtless have, and deserves, a long and healthy run.

But in the haste to take this contemporary answer to Puccini's "Boheme" to Broadway, no one seems to have thought rationally about reconceiving the show for a larger house (and we're talking about 1,173 seats versus the 150 of the Theater Workshop). Unlike "Bring In da Noise, Bring In da Funk," which recently moved from the Joseph Papp Public Theater to the Ambassador on Broadway, this "Rent" verges on being lost in space.

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BOOKS OF THE TIMES; Deciphering a Mysterious Text and Puzzles of the Soul

Published: May 6, 2004, Thursday

By Ian Caldwell and Dustin Thomason
372 pages. Dial Press. $24.

''The Rule of Four'' is an extremely erudite thriller set on the Princeton campus and constructed around a famously arcane text from the 15th century. This novel's two authors are exquisitely educated and very smart. Nobody knows it better than they do.

The text is the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili; its name means the ''struggle for love in a dream'' of a man called Poliphilo. This is a name that two of the book's four main collegiate characters have trouble even pronouncing. But readers may want to start dropping it in conversation, as if this were no more difficult than saying ''Da Vinci Code.'' This fussier but also ingenious novel aspires to out-anagram, out-acrostic and out-cipher-text that one.

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當初是不想看「達文西密碼」 (對媒體大肆報導的熱門作品會出現排斥感)
當時在誠品發現到這本時,還滿欣喜若狂的~ 被理沒在一堆Dan Brown的作品之中。
看到此不禁會心一笑,就忍不住繼續讀下去了 XD

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有時真覺得,高中那一掛真的是心有靈犀 :)
當時想到是要大家去參加四格,但還沒跟她們提起,她們就先跟我提了~ 呵呵~ :D
只是~ 項目不同 ^^!!!
這次想挑戰的項目是短片!!! XD

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XD 相簿的背樂,不到一天就改了
音樂來自電影2046 曲名為SIBONEY。

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其實也不是學了啥秘術 (謎:廢言! 有的話也輪不到你來學啊),只是學會把音樂加進blog和相簿內了。
哦,你問我這背景音樂是啥? 好像很耳熟? 呵呵~~XD 看過桂冠湯圓的廣告吧?
沒錯,它的廣告曲就是採自這首的前奏~ 是我很喜歡的一個金屬團的作品。 

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* kitty磁鐵:真的是很ooxx…當時是要幫老媽收集的,結果忘了帶回家…

   現在老媽早就收集到一小全套了 = =|||

*散買的漫畫:都是怕在坐車會無聊,在車站7-11買的~ 看過一次也就沒在碰囉…

真的很喜歡的漫畫我哪會拿出來賣啊 orz

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        一早起來(也沒一早,起來都下午3點了…),學校的bbs上不去 orz……原本還想說高大原野星辰好歹也可以算是高雄區內第二大校園bbs吧 (第一大當然是中山系列的), 怎麼常常斷線 (q_q)。 直到剛剛去了藍色傳說,看朋友的板,才驚起,原來原野這2天要維修啊……我錯怪它了 ^^" 

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